Advanced Digital Technologies

Human Identity and Artificial Identity

            Living in a technological era, we can see how artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm. Artificial intelligence results useful in finance, transportation, healthcare, and education. However, has artificial identity become a more valuable asset to the world rather than the human mind?

Ambiguity: Useful or Unnecessary? 

           In his dissertation, Dr. Joaquin Vidal delves into the topic of human identity and artificial identity. He spoke about a study on ambiguity as a communicative style in Japanese culture. He felt it was appropriate to speak about this due to the reason that the Japanese culture uses artificial intelligence to a greater extent in comparison to Western countries.

           Dr. Vidal briefly retells an anecdote he experienced while visiting an Onsen, a hot spring in which people tend to bathe, in Japan. When entering the Onsen, he noticed there was a branch that was in the way. He then removed the branch so that it would not disturb anyone. A short while later, a staff member started to converse with him. The worker then explained to Vidal that the branch was purposely placed there by the spiritual leader of that monastery to bless all of the children that were present. Upon realizing the importance of the branch, he placed it back and apologized. This anecdote is an example of ambiguity. Ambiguity consists of prioritizing your listener’s feelings and treating both parties, the listener and speaker with respect. It also does not directly express the point you want to get across but instead eases your way into conveying your message.

            However, Japanese society has grown less fond of this communication tactic since it can be misunderstood and is a time-waster. Recent studies show that Japanese women have been more likely to adopt Western styles of communication. Japanese women have become more straightforward in their means of communication. This is due to the great amount of misinterpretation so much as a mere look can give. Even though Japanese culture wants to leave ambiguity behind, something that escapes their cultural parameters in their accustomed form of communication causes resistance to change.

Artificial Intelligence and Ambiguity 

            Dr. Vidal later explains the case of a virtual singer, Hatsune Miku, who was created by artificial intelligence. Hatsune Miku was generated using the voices of different singers and was given six modulation libraries in her voice to be able to portray emotion and to seem more realistic. Although it can seem that this AI figure cannot show emotion and is just an appearance, this singer still demonstrates ambiguity by showing love, anger, and loneliness. Despite being able to show ambiguity, this is all possible due to creative human intervention.

Transcendent Model and Unity

        Furthermore, Vidal discusses the transcendent model. He emphasizes that even though we have freedom, it is our responsibility to take control of our lives. He presents a list of immanence and transcendence principles which, if found similarities within them, can unite people.
