Start Date:
February 1st, 2024
Duration: 1 month
Credits: 3
Modality: Online
Tuition Fee: $532
Tuition Languages:
English and Spanish
More information at:
In this course we will work on one of the distinctive features of Japanese communication, the use of aimai or ambiguity of communication.
We will look at the origins of this communicative style, its relationship with other features of Japanese culture. We also will study the effects of ambiguity when establishing contact with people from other cultural backgrounds, and how this characteristic is viewed by Japanese people.
Finally, we will discuss how ambiguity can help us to understand the machine “consciusness” and its differences with the human consciousness.
Steps to enroll:
1. Complete the enrollment form
2. Wait for our reply confirming your registration.
3. (Realizar pago)
Director of School of Advanced Education, Research and Accreditation (SAERA). Course Instructor at the Open University of Catalonia. Member of the Emotion, Cognition and Action Research Group of the Catholic University of Valencia San Vicente Mártir. Member of merit of the Balearic Institute of History.